Saturday, January 14, 2012

Lost in Time

Lost in Time was completed 01-10-2012, on Rag paper with Prismacolor Color pencils 8.5"x 11". It was inspired by a fascination of clocks and time. The original concept from the patron was to take her fascination of clocks and time referring to life, and create a piece depicting a woman’s journey through the stages of; birth, life and death. As I worked on the piece I chose to use glimpses of astronomical features in the dialogue of the message in the piece. I was given a fairly large license over the outcome of the piece. I placed Venus above the figure to symbolize the common metaphor for the female. I felt the need to have fun with other symbols and floral patterns through the piece. I finished the piece with a suggestion made by the patron to place the moon in the piece. I thought it made a nice way of referring to the theme of death without playing with the figure of a dead or dying woman. Moon is typically known as a dead and cold planet, this is what locked in my decision.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Raw nipples

I recently got a new pair of running shoes. They were a Christmas gift from my In laws. I had been ceasing my running activities for nearly a year, due to wearing out my last pair and not having the ability to get a new pair for the near future. I was very grateful. 
Yesterday I went for a reasonable run. I got halfway through and noticed my nipples were rubbing raw. Something I had forgotten about my running routine from before. Always make sure you Vaseline your nipples before going for a run, or face the consequences of raw nipples. If not checked for too long, on long runs they can actually be rubbed raw to the point of bleeding.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Self Portrait in photography

My wife took these photos of me. We thought it was fun.

Lost in Time WIP 2

I just wanted to share the next stage in Lost in Time with everyone. I decided to have fun with the character and give her fun  funky leggings. I played off the blues and purples I've been working into the piece. We'll see how the rest of the piece works out. I have a pretty good idea of how it will wrap up, though inspiration can be a finicky thing.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Lost in Time WIP

Lost in Time is a commissioned piece involving a figure being pulled through time with a fascination with clocks. It will have three focal figures flowing through the piece; an infant, a youthful woman and an elderly woman. All figures are metaphors for the life journey of the same individual. Here it is about 2/3's completed. It is being done on Strathmore rag paper with Prismacolor Colored pencils, 8.5”x 11”.